Daily Archives: February 25, 2009



I should really learn from this! Hahahaha. I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I will!

Anyway.. Tuesday marked the day of D’s birthday! Happy birthday D! Welcome to your quarter life crisis. Haha just kidding!

I hitched a ride with Don and then stayed at the C tambayan. I cast my vote and then studied. Later on, D arrived and D, D and I started talking.

Span 31 class. Schedules (UGH going to be soooo busy!) and idioms discussion.

Span 40. Discussion of the 2 sentences she gave us. UGH! More stuff like that in the next meetings.

EEE discussion. Motherboards and stuff. Boring.

C tambayan. Hitched a ride home with H! Aww, H, H, T, J! Haha!

I’m sorry H! I really do hope it’s just his/her paranoia! Forgive meeeee!

Today (Wednesday), I hitched a ride with D to school. Stupid ballet group mates did NOT show up! So much for “Everyone should be there!”. PFFT. Only P and I (along with the guy) were there, and so we started “conceptualizing” steps. Blech. Hard.

C tambayan. TSB!

Looong survey.

Span 31. CHAOS! Hahahaha! There was chaos because of the speech schedule. It was so funny! Hahahaha our professor was saying things like, “Find your Nirvana.” and “Meditate!” and stuff. Haha! Film showing. Volver! We watched a part of it, and then we’re going to continue watching tomorrow. The film is in Spanish and the subtitle is Spanish as well. Hahaha.

No Comm 3. Voted for the USC Elections, and then went to CH for tutorial. Blech. I want to improve!

NatSci. Have to review! Exam next week! Whew, exam was supposed to be this Friday but then she moved it! Have to study tomorrow though, so that I can ask questions on Friday! Sigh.

C tambayan. PMS open tambayan. Pancit and cupcake. Hitched with D home.

Conversation with C. Funny.

Okay, from now on, I shall control myself. I will not let this happen again. I’m sorry. I guess HS came back. Pffft! Will have to learn. I do hope they remain F, like what C said.

Busy busy! UGHHH!