June 13-19, 2016


Here are the things that happened this week:

I went back to work on Monday, and I was greeted by 358 emails in my inbox. It was one of the rare instances that I had that much email and I had to to work during lunch in order to update myself regarding some shipments scheduled for the week. The operations person is a bit mean and scary so if I couldn’t update her/answer her questions, she would figuratively bite my head off. Yikes! I also received more than 60 emails throughout the day so I had to work overtime to sort through my inbox, list down stuff, and categorize mails.


I don’t understand why one of my colleagues has to get worked up and super irritated so easily. Shake it off, girl! Stressing yourself out is not worth it. Don’t tell me to pick a fight with someone because that’s just not my thing. Again, it’s not worth it and it’ll just be a waste of my time.


We got our holiday bonus and salary! Yay.


Finally have an external SD card on my phone, thanks to T!


Annoying how my hair has become wavy, and not the kind of wavy I want or that suits me.


Finished eating my Milka chocolate that my colleague bought for me from her Europe trip. Huhu it was sooo good and now I’ve ran out. Oh well.


I thought I was going to miss this year’s Philippine Independence Day celebration organized by our representative office here in Taiwan because I was in th Philippines. Turns out, they held the celebration at a later date this year and so I was able to go with my friends. Wee! We ate a lot, listened to music, one of my friends won roundtrip tickets to Manila, and then we took a bunch of pictures. After the event, we decided to go to L.A. Cafe (as if we weren’t full enough) to hang out over some drinks and dessert.


A local coffee chain called Louisa Coffee released a Flat White as a limited time drink and so I tried it out. It only comes in one size (small) so it’s a bit expensive for its size, but it’s pretty good – better than their regular latte in my opinion.


“It’s not what you say, it’s what people hear.” – Frank Luntz


R said, “This is already really good. What were you nervous about?” and J said, “Actually T was the one who translated that. I only made some really minor edits and only translated a small part of it.” All the while I was pretending like I wasn’t listening. Hahaha. Good thing J acknowledged the fact that I translated 95% of the document, but only to R. She won’t let A know though, but that’s all right.


We had lunch at kuya’s to celebrate Hana and Patrick’s birthdays. We cooked food again, and we were joking about whether or not we were getting tired of spending so much time preparing and cooking food. Most of the time, we would get together and cook so it was really time-consuming. Haha! Jackie brought a Boston Cream Pie from Pozzo (San Want Hotel’s bakery) and it was really good! It was my first time having that cake, as I’m not really a big fan of cake to be honest.


I went to yoga class while T went to their company gym, and then we met up for dinner at Ikea. I was finally able to eat Ikea’s meatballs again after about 2 years. After dinner, we went to Xinyi district’s Vieshow to watch X-Men Apocalypse. I liked it. We didn’t get home until past midnight because we watched the really late screening of the movie.


On Sunday, T and I watched Newsroom and at night, we went to Goku’s house for dinner.

About Therese

Fil-Chi | Millennial | Worked in the freight forwarding & logistics industry | Pivoted to tech | Interested in digital marketing, UX, and project management. Developing my skills, working to improve myself, seizing opportunities, and documenting my learnings along the way ♥

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